About Us

The Aware Academy Global is an educational platform aiming to raise awareness about the harmful impacts of pornography and irresponsible media.
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Our Founder

Wael Ibrahim is the founder of the Aware Academy Global. His intention was to create a platform dedicated to helping those who are struggling with porn addiction.

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Are you willing to dedicate sometimes to help others with their porn addiction? Become a certified AWARE coach and trainer today...

Find out about the signature Certification program offered by the Aware Academy.


The Muslim toolkit to battle porn addiction...

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The most comprehensive and detailed course on porn addiction. It includes 5 most effective programs to beat up addiction.

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Emotional Intimacy...

How to accept ALL emotions as part of who you are without feeling guilty or ashamed.

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The approach is what matters. It's not about the program itself, rather, it's about knowing our clients and what works for them best.


Our coaches have gone through intense training on how to assist and guide you to get rid of your addiction.


We hide no information. We give our hearts to our clients and more.

Calisha Bennett

Calisha Bennett is the founder of Developing Diamonds and has over 14 years of experience as an active community leader, speaker, teacher and mentor of Muslim women and youth.

More about Calisha...

Dean Mousad

Dean Mousad is the founder of Invictus Solutions. He is one of the Aware Academy certified coaches who had gained a plethora of experience since 2008.

More about Dean...

Anna Tajminah

Anna Tajminah Has been a mental health specialist for almost 10 years.

For more than six years, she taught Psychology to university students while volunteering as a psychosocial support specialist and psychological first aid (PFA) trainer in disaster-affected areas...

More about Anna...

A response to UNICEF

As the report from the UNICEF has made claims downgrading the harm done to children from exposure to pornography, it is a must to bring forth scientific proof of the damage it can cause youth....


Masturbation: it might “feel good” to you...

An old joke said that 98% of people masturbate while the remaining two percent lie about not masturbating. This joke is trying to point out that masturbation is very natural...



Never did I imagine myself free from porn. Thanks to Wael Ibrahim and the Aware Academy. The longest time I recall myself free from porn was about 3 months. But to break the entire cycle of porn addiction in 4 months! is beyond me.

- JD. South Africa

My marriage life was torn apart because of pornography. For years there was no sexual or emotional intimacy with my wife, ongoing quarrels and fights, depression and heavy feelings that left us both separated for a long time. After more than 9 months working with the Aware Academy, the Critical Alignment Model Recovery program was my solution. A million thanks.

- AN. Australia

Through the effort and care of Wael Ibrahim and his team, hope was restored in my life. Even though I didn't quit or recover fully yet, but I have that strong conviction that this day is coming sooner than later.

- H.L. UK

No words can describe how I felt after revealing my long years of secretive and addictive cycle to my wife. She was the ONE support I needed to cope with this monster. 

- FO. Canada

The 4 stages of the Critical Alignment Model Recovery Program are just magical. You can't go wrong when they are applied strictly. I went through almost every platform available online to find a solution to my porn addiction, but the C.A.M. model is so complete and practical. Thanks to the Aware Academy and Wael Ibrahim


- M.Y. Malaysia

Schedule a Consultation Now!

Get in touch with one of our coaches to evaluate your case, give you an advise and possibly help you out to cope with your addiction.

Confidentiality is guaranteed.


One on one

Depends on availability. Private coaching sessions, known as one on one, can be arranged. You can email [email protected] for details.

Seminars & Webinars

You can send your invitations to [email protected] to conduct online or onsite events.

Workshops and Keynote speeches.

Longer educational programs and keynote speeches are also available on request. Email: [email protected]

Train the trainers

Advance trainings are also available for professionals on a variety of essential subjects. Email for details: [email protected]

In schools and Unis.

Very detailed and engaging programs and awareness days/weeks are ready to be delivered for school/Uni teachers and students. All programs for students are age appropriate. Email for details: [email protected]

Video production & articles.

If you are talented in the area of video production and writing articles, then you have a chance to join the Aware Academy's team members and contribution to our library. Email for details: [email protected]

About Us

The Aware Academy Global is an educational platform aiming to raise awareness about the harmful impacts of pornography and irresponsible media.

With nearly 17 years of experience, the Aware Academy Global had trained 100s of coaches around the world on how to tackle such a taboo topic in a Non-confrontational and Non Judgmental manner.

Email: [email protected]

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