The Aware Academy Global

The Aware Academy Global is an educational platform aiming to raise awareness about the harmful impacts of pornography and irresponsible media.

88% of our clients were able to overcome their porn addiction according to their own testimonies.

The Aware Academy

With nearly 17 years of experience, the Aware Academy Global had trained 100s of coaches around the world on how to tackle such a taboo topic in a Non-confrontational and Non Judgmental manner.
Currently, we are working on establishing an online platform to deliver content for parents, educators, counselors, coaches, and other segments of the society to equip them with the necessary knowledge on how to assist and offer professional help to those who are consumed by pornography and other undesirable sexual activities.


We reach out to people with the right education to ensure their understanding of addiction and how its impact could lead to destruction.


We then, together raise awareness, with certain knowledge, about the harmful effects of porn consumption.


We then equip the masses with the necessary tools, knowledge and guidance on:

  • How to quit porn and live a life full of potential, and
  • How to help those who are addicted and suffering in silence.

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